Monday, June 13, 2016

Tianzi Mountain, China

Located at intervals the northern of Wulingyuan Scenic area in province, Tianzi (Son of Heaven) Mountain Nature Reserve is one in all the four scenic spots in Wulingyuan (three altogether completely different spots unit of activity Zhangjiajie National Park, Suoxiyu natural resources Reserve and in addition the Yangjiajie Scenic Area). It covers a section of sixty seven sq. kilometers and in addition the easiest peak is one,262 meters on high of the ocean level.

Tianzi Mountain provides enticing views of peaks, that rise one once another. it's called 'the Monarch of the height Forest'. At the uncomplicated of the mountain visitors will see the extent of the Wulingyuan Scenic space. beautiful scenes of the mountain greet guests in several seasons. There unit of activity four wonders: the ocean of Clouds, the Radiance of the Moonlight, Rays of Sunshine and in addition the Snow in winter.

Tianzi Mountain takes its name from somebody, Xiang Dakun. He was the leader of the Tu grouping throughout the last years of the Southern Song (1127 -1279). Xiang Dakun diode a revolution and declared himself as Tianzi. Visiting this scenic space, guests will see several sites relating to his story, the foremost spectacular being: the Yu chemical element Peaks, the Sian NĂ¼ San foreign terrorist organization, and in addition the Shen Bing Ju Hui.

With pine trees on the easiest, the Yu chemical element Peaks rise upward into the sky. Legend goes that they're brushes the Tianzi-Xiang Dakun used that became stone peaks once his martyrdom. The Sian Nevada San foreign terrorist organization is slightly opposite the Yu chemical element Peaks. A legend says that Xiang Dakun and his army was lost to fall back on the Tianzi Mountain. He fought to the tip, however finally jumped off the drop-off. a girl dotty with him went across the mountain to travel looking for him.

The yearly average temperature is twelve degrees centigrade, and annual average rain is one,800 millimeters. There unit of activity around 240 frost-free days. the most effective months to explore this mountain unit of activity Gregorian calendar month, May, Sept and solar calendar month.

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