Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Tourism in Egypt

Tourism is one of the foremost necessary elements of Egypt's economy. At its peak in 2010 the sector employed regarding twelve-tone music of Egypt's force serving around fourteen.7 million guests Egypt, and providing revenues of nearly $12.5 billion as well as contributory over Martinmas of value and fourteen.4% of foreign currency revenues.

Major attractions

Major tourist destinations embrace the millennia-old monuments in the Nile River vale. Principal among them are the Pyramids and nice Sphinx at metropolis, the Abu Simbel temples south of Aswan and the Karnak Temple complicated and vale of the Kings close to El-Aksur.
Giza Pyramids
-Giza, 20 kilometre southwest of Cairo, has several remains from the twenty sixth century before Christ such as temples and monuments to pharaohs as well as the nice Sphinx, and the Great Pyramids of metropolis.
-Saqqara, 30 kilometre south of Cairo is a large, ancient burial ground which served because the cemetery for the traditional Egyptian capital of Memphis. It features varied pyramids, including the world's oldest standing step pyramid, as well as variety of mastabas.
-Luxor, about five hundred kilometre south of Cairo, is the site of the traditional town of Thebes. It includes the ruins of the temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor, which stand inside the trendy town. On the opposite side of the Nile River lies the monuments, temples and tombs on the West Bank Necropolis which embrace the vale of the Kings and Queens.
Abu Simbel Temples
-Abu Simbel, about 850 kilometre south of Cairo (near the Sudanese border) is associate degree archeological web site comprising 2 huge rock temples originally incised out of a side throughout the reign of Pharaoh king II (13th century BC). They are currently set on a synthetic hill made of a rounded structure high higher than the Aswan dam reservoir.
-Alexandria is a main summer resort, due to its beaches, ancient history and Museums, especially the library Alexandrina, a modern project supported revitalizing the traditional Library of Alexandria.

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